Thursday, July 30, 2015

Varsity Camp Update for Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday :)

The week is just flying by! The camp as a whole has really shown an amazing amount of unity. Campers (along with counselors) have been having a blast! Monday started off with a nice late brunch, so as to give everyone a little more rest in preparation for the craziness that would ensue.. We then got to hear from Julie Barrett as she shared a little about what God has been doing in her life and about the love of God as a perfect Father. In the evening, campers were introduced to a new all-camp game called Bonkers, which involved nylons full of flour and a bunch of crazy stations that they had to complete. Keoni then spoke to us about the importance of community.
Tuesday was our day away, and we drove to the eastern part of Pictured Rocks to play on an enormous sand dune called The Log Slide. After that we packed up and bussed over to Miners Castle which was the starting point of a five mile hike to a place called Sand Point. Once everyone made it to Sand Point, which is a beautiful beach, a bunch of kids and counselors cooled off in Lake Superior and enjoyed some hearty pasties for dinner. Taking advantage of the incredible beauty surrounding us we had an amazing chapel time on the beach consisting of singing, hearing a message about God’s incredible love for us and time to just sit and reflect before heading back to camp.
Wednesday was another gorgeous day of sunny weather and the campers enjoyed hobo breakfast out on the train tracks.  We listened to two more thought-provoking messages from Keoni about submission and suffering. We finished the evening with a wild night game called Taken!
            Thank you again for all your prayers for campers and staff!

 - VARSITY Camp 2015

Monday, July 27, 2015

Varsity Camp Saturday / Sunday Update :)

Varsity camp is up and running! The campers all arrived Saturday and checked in... in record time! It was an absolutely gorgeous day, so most of camp was ready to hit the water for the swim test. After the swim test and going over some camp rules, everyone enjoyed a delicious cookout down by the lake, followed by some crazy games designed to help campers get to know each other. The games ended with everybody completely covered in mud… but thankfully a fire truck was nearby to hose everyone off before they jumped in the lake to cool down. After that, everyone was introduced to the staff members and headed back to their cabins.

Sunday was another beautiful day and campers enjoyed their first two chapel times and activity session. Our speaker Keoni began his talks on 1 Peter and our true Identity as God’s children. The campers also participated in their first team game and the whole camp had a wild time playing the varsity version of capture the flag, “The Yooper Games”.

As you pray for our time here, please pray that kids and counselors continue to build relationships and that everyone here really responds to what God places on each persons heart. Also, with the extremely warm temperatures, you can pray for camper/counselor safety and health. -Don’t worry, we’ll be making everybody drink as much water as we possibly can and lathering on the sun-block super thick ;)

Thank you all for your prayers for campers and staff, it’s looking like it’ll be an awesome week!

- VARSITY Camp 2015

Sunday, July 26, 2015

WOLF Trails Friday / Saturday Update

Blog from the director

The group arrived safely back to camp around 10 o’clock Friday night after stopping for pizza in Houghton, MI. Upon arriving, they unpacked their gear from the trip, showered, and slept in the outdoor shelters for the night where the very warm evening cooled to a pleasant temperature with the rain that moved through.

Highlights from the trip include watching the sunset from Brockway Mountain, climbing the ranger station on Mt. Ishpeming, watching the sunset at Todd Harbor, exploring the Minong Mines, swimming to the island at East Chickenbone, cooking on the dock at Daisy Farm, and celebrating the completion of the hike in Rock Harbor with burgers. In total, the group hiked about 50 miles in just five days.
This experience gave them the opportunity to learn the importance of community with fellow believers, what it means to serve one another, what they can accomplish as a team, what God’s individual plan is for their lives, all while gaining a new perspective of God’s beautiful creation.

 - WOLF Trails 2015

Friday, July 24, 2015

Boys Camp - Day 7

Nothing like the Friday night of boys camp.  The momentum builds straight out of flag-raising at 8:15am. 

• There's the award for cleanest table of the week in the Longhouse. 
• The cabin cleanup award.
• A Grizball championship to win. The Griz won with his trademark "3-ball squall" move. 
• Best shot in camp trophies for riflery and archery.
• Camper vs Program/Summer Staff.
• Capture-the-Flag *no staff age 40+ played or were injured this go-round!
• The all-camp photo by the Lodge. 
• The week-in-review slideshow.

None of this compares to the power of the Good News of Jesus Christ going out in a mighty storm. Chief George held a Bible Q&A session this afternoon for boys still pondering eternal complexities. 90 deafening boys sung "10,000 Reasons" at the top of their lungs to close out worship. A final message comparing the broad road and the narrow road is being preached as this post is being written. 

We've done all we can to make sure every boy has heard the gospel, and many have. We've loved your boys as best we could. And we've had a rip-roaring blast at the same time. 

Lord willing and Farmers Lake don't rise, we'll see ya at BC16!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Boys Camp - Day 6

After dinner tonight (and to the dismay of many boys) an all-camp game of kickball, featuring campers (average age 11.5) vs. counselors (average age 42) was played. The campers had every right to loathe this change of plans. They lost 13-12. Ahhh, thrill of victory. 

The overnight campout is a longstanding tradition at UPBC which will not be dethroned. However, it does serve to dethrone the greatest of leaders who forget that jungle-capture-the-flag is the dominion of young men. All campers survived their respective trips, one counselor suffered a sprained ankle. Ohhhh, the agony of defeat. 

After returning to camp this morning, the vast majority of boys discovered mom packed a couple bonus items: soap and clean underwear. Some boys continue to live with their head in the sand, others continue to live with the sand covered about them. No worries mom - all boys who have not showered since returning from the trip (or all week for that matter) will be disinfected before lights out. 

After chapel tonight, the campers will be sharing their testimonies for all to hear. This is one of the best parts of Boys Camp. Many young men will share how they have come into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ this week at UPBC...and praise God, there have been many!

Hard to believe in 36 short hours this exact group of campers and staff will never be assembled again until Glory. We're praying every single soul here will be at that reunion.   

Isle Royale - Tuesday / Wednesday Update :)

Still no moose sitings for the campers on Isle Royale but the group has seen 2 foxes. Tuesday, the group traveled from South Desor to Todd Harbor in 6 hours. It was a good day of backpacking and enjoying the island. While at Todd Harbor they got to enjoy a waterfall flowing into Lake Superior and an awesome sunset.
Wednesday, the WOLF Trail Campers hiked from Todd Harbor to East Chickenbone. They were on the north side of the island where they hiked to McCargo Cove and enjoyed refilling their water bottles. Up to this point the WOLF Trail campers have hiked about 32 miles in just 3 days.
The group is having a great time together. Aside from a few blisters, the trip is going really well. Tomorrow they start the trek back to UPBC and then home. Keep their safety in your prayers as they complete their journey.
- WOLF Trails 2015

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Boys Camp - Day 4

Once upon a time in the late 1980s and early 1990s, a girl came up through Junior Varsity, Varsity and summer staff at UPBC. She later married and had a son who is at Boys Camp this week. 

Last night during devotions this boy was sitting on his top bunk. The boy underneath him started talking about wanting to be saved. So the top bunk boy looked down at his buddy and said, "you want me to pray with you right now to accept Jesus into your heart?"

Bam. As if the generations part of the story was not awesome enough, a pre-teen believer reaching out ahead of his own counselor to lead this lost soul to the Lord is overwhelming. There's a proud mother out there. 

What about the boys who the night before promised to talk to their counselors? They did! Two more for eternity. And there are more. The mission of UPBC is being fulfilled. 

Tonight Chief George is preaching on freedom from sin and the whole armor of God. There's a war for these boys being waged at cultural, spiritual and political levels. They need all the tools they can get to survive as godly men in this world. 

Tomorrow we all prepare for the overnight campout. Please be praying for good weather, safety for campers and patience for leaders. We're halfway through the week and there is a lot more to still accomplish.

 - Boys Camp 2015

Isle Royale - Monday/Tuesday Update

Day 2 on the Island. The WOLF Trail crew made it to South Desor camp site. It was a 10 mile day but they all made it. They enjoyed their dinner and a dip in Lake Desor. Their night at Malone Bay was much nicer. They had to deal with a couple blisters but nothing Alex couldn't handle. Today they travel to Todd Harbor which has much to explore. Keep watching for the daily update.

 - WOLF Trails 2015

Monday, July 20, 2015

Boys Camp - Day 3

It happened. God came through in all his glory at Boys Camp 2015. This morning in the staff meeting we heard the wonderful news of three boys who had committed their lives to Christ after hearing the counselor testimonies last night. Two more promised to speak with their leaders today about making the same decision. Amen. He is mighty to save!

Is it because two senior counselors told their stories of: (1) separation from Christ early in life, (2) a crisis situation as an adult, (3) a friend leading them into an eternal relationship with Him? 

Or was it the testimony of the junior counselor? Barely a year older than some campers, he bravely told his story of being raised in a Christian home and saved as a young child. He then rededicated his life after realizing he didn't fully understand salvation at age four. 

We don't know which stories resonated within the hearts of these young men, but we know the Holy Spirit moved through the camp and found the souls ripe for transformation. 

Upper Peninsula Bible Camp is full of legacy, tradition and nostalgia. However, the greatest heritage we have is the long list of kids and adults who have come to know the Lord Jesus Christ on these grounds. The work is not done yet, and we will not rest.

The boys had a fun day today. They ate like kings. They learned new skills. They played some crazy games. They are happy, healthy and well cared for. Parents - no need to worry. The details of the day seem so distant compared to the news of boys exiting off the broad road to destruction and entering the narrow road to salvation.

 - Boys Camp 2015

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Isle Royale - Saturday/Sunday Update

On Saturday all of the WOLF Trail Campers met for the first time. They met their leaders Benny, Tyler, and Alex. The 10 of them spent all day getting packs ready, gear handed out, and food all set. The campers learned how to use their stove, set their tents up, and purify their water. They joined boys camp for Mexican Fiesta (dinner) and then headed to bed.

At 3 am on Sunday all 7 campers were woken up and got ready to load the van. By 3:30 am they hit the road. They made it up to Cooper Harbor to make the 8 am ferry which took them all the way to Rock Harbor, Isle Royale National Park. From Rock Harbor they had to take a water taxi (fishing boat) to Malone Bay. The group made it to Malone Bay by 3 p.m. The rest of the day was spent snacking, eating dinner, and hiking up a creek to a small lake.

The group is ready to hike tomorrow. Keep a look out for how they are doing every day.

 - WOLF Trails 2015

Boys Camp - Day 2

There are days the Upper Peninsula of Michigan is glorious. That day was today, and Lord willing every day this week will be just like it. Nothing compares to crisp 60 degree mornings which warm to balmy 80 degree afternoons. You can have your Cali, FLA and the Bahamas.

A full day for campers today as activity times kicked off. Rifles blasting. Archers quivering. Bicycles spinning. Sailboats blowing. Skiers floating. Artisans tie-dyeing. The grounds were alive with campers learning new skills. 

Stadium supper re-enraged old rivalries (Ohio State and Michigan fans need therapy, BTW), but those feuds were cast aside thirty minutes later when the inaugural game of Capture the Flag was initiated. Rest assured, all flags used were non-offensive. 

None of that silliness compared to the spiritual message the boys received in the morning session about Noah, and the rampant sin of people on earth. The message was brought with clarity and conviction from Chief George. Not a single soul was unable to understand the illustrative role they played in the destruction of the earth. 

Tonight the boys are learning about spiritual warfare. For every trick, every ploy and every lie Satan uses to destroy your loved one, Jesus Christ is there to save them for eternity. 

After chapel tonight we are having a campfire. Several godly leaders will be sharing their testimony to the campers. Real men who have lived through the same real struggles your boys camper may be suffering now. 

Pray hard this week. The enemy is prowling about looking for a kink in the armor. This staff is praying hard for divine protection. Nothing else matters the next six days.  

 - Boys Camp 2015

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Boys Camp - Day 1

In 1936, when Cameron MacArthur ventured north over troubled waters and settled Upper Peninsula Bible Camp, he would have never imagined what would be occurring 79 years later...

...he would never have known 88 young men would be met by 25 leaders ready to demonstrate what Biblical manhood is all about. 

...he would never have known about a raft, 100 yards off the water front, challenging the best swimmers to earn the coveted blue band. 

...he would never have known about boys jumping up and down, screaming at the top of their lungs, to a Peter, Paul and Mary song played through a distortion pedal. 

...he would never have known a Mexican fiesta would make a really awesome camp dinner. 

...he would never have known a gifted communicator of the Word, George Farber, could captivate the attention of boys with the Gospel message (using an overhead projector!). 

Cameron MacArthur was given a holy canvas to start a beautiful painting which is still being filled today. He had no idea what the completed picture of his vision would look like. Neither do we, but we are splashing on as much color as we can during Boys Camp 2015. 

Stay tuned as we give you a glimpse into the work Christ is doing this week with your son, grandson or brother. It's gonna be wild. 

Girls Camp Wednesday & Thursday Update :)

Yesterday was our outing to AuTrain. The girls had a fantastic time. Playing in the sand, spending time together and swimming were all activities the girls enjoyed. Dinner was at AuTrain and we made it back in time for evening chapel, where Nancy Lodwick shared with us. After chapel we had a special treat, a campfire! We had popcorn, puppy chow and had the chance to sing some songs around the campfire. It was the perfect ending to a great day.

This morning the girls had the chance to do hobo breakfast (postponed from Tuesday because of rain). It was a gorgeous morning down on the tracks as the girls cooked their own breakfasts.
In chapel this morning we talked about how we can grow spiritually and become more like God. This evenings chapel will have some fun games including a counselor lip sync battle, worship and a chance to hear some of Ashley Padgett's story.
Dinner tonight is Cabin Look Alike.
It has been another great day here at camp!

- Girls Camp 2015

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Girls Camp Tuesday Update! :)

It has been another great day at camp. It started off rainy so our Annual Hobo Breakfast was postponed to later in the week. Even though the plans changed the girls were flexible and had great attitudes despite the weather.
Morning skills happened as planned and by lunch the sun was shining! During the afternoon, the girls participated in skills classes and free time activities such as crafts, trading post and games. There were even a few brave souls who went swimming in the cooler weather.
This evening we had our decades dinner! The girls looked fantastic and we were treated to hamburgers, French fries and milk shakes at the "malt shop" (dining hall).
As well as our fun dinner, tonight the girls will participate in worship night. This is a special evening to take some extended time to reflect and worship during chapel.
We are looking forward to another fun day tomorrow!

 - Girls Camp 2015

Monday, July 13, 2015

Girls Camp Monday Update! :)


It has been a little rainy here today at camp but that has not dampened our spirits. As you can walk through the camp grounds you hear the sound of girls chatting and laughing.
In this morning's chapel, our speakers talked about how we are known and loved by God. He knows everything about us, good and bad, and still loves us more than we can imagine. Carol Gray will be sharing part of her story and how she continues to learn how she is known and loved by God in this evenings chapel.
Our theme dinner for tonight is Minion meal! Many of the girls have already donned their Minion apparel in preparation.
It has been another fun day and we are making so many great memories!!

 - Girls Camp 2015

Girls Camp Sunday Update! :)


It has been a great first full day of camp. The girls got to participate in their AM and PM skills classes and had lots of fun. In the morning chapel the girls heard that they are fearfully and wonderfully made. They are God's masterpieces!
After our bright colors and patterns dinner, the cabins participated in a photo scavenger hunt that allowed them to get to know the camp and the girls in their cabins a little better.
The day finished off with chapel in the evening where we had a chance to hear our director Julie share part of her story and how she came to realize that she is God's masterpiece.
It has been a really fun full day and the girls are looking forward to even more fun tomorrow!

- Girls Camp 2015

Thursday, July 9, 2015

JV Week 2, Thursday Update! :)

Thursday July 9, 2015

Good Thursday morning from UPBC!  Yesterday was the second off-camp trip for the JV campers.  After a normal morning and lunch her at camp, we traveled to Au Train beach on the shores of Lake Superior.  The weather was perfect and campers enjoyed time swimming in the Au Train River and playing a variety of beach games.  Teams of campers also competed in a sandcastle building contest and a polar bear plunge into Lake Superior.  Later in the day, we ate dinner and held our evening chapel service right on the beach.  Many campers were impacted by hearing the testimonies of our speakers and responded by talking and praying with their counselors.

Over the past week, many cabins have held evening devotions around a campfire at locations in the woods of UPBC.  Counselors have reported that many campers are grappling with tough questions and making serious steps in their spiritual development.  It’s our prayer that JV 2015 powerfully impacts the life of your camper.  It’s clear from what we’ve seen here at UPBC, God is already making that happen.

On a practical note, if you regularly send emails to your camper on the UPBC website, please don’t send any additional emails after 11 am tomorrow (Friday June 10).  We want to make sure your messages are printed and delivered before camp ends.

JV 2015

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

JV 2015 Week 2 Tuesday Update

Tuesday July 7, 2015

Starting around lunchtime on Monday, it rained here at UPBC through nightfall.  Campers enjoyed a number of indoor activities, but also had the opportunity to play in the rain (since there wasn’t any thunder or lightning).  We’re very encouraged that the forecast for the rest of the week looks great!

On Monday night, the UPBC Summer Staff Interns joined the cabins for their evening devotions.  The Summer Interns apply to work at UPBC throughout the camping season and serve in the kitchen, perform maintenance, complete building projects, work as lifeguards, and work at the challenge course.  Many campers reported that spending time with the interns was very impactful and beneficial for their spiritual growth.

We’re looking forward to another off-camp trip to the beaches of Lake Superior tomorrow!  It’s always a highlight of JV Camp.

JV 2015

Monday, July 6, 2015

JV Monday Week 2 UPDATE! :)

Monday July 6, 2015

The second week of JV Camp is in full swing!  Campers had a fantastic weekend highlighted by
the Bible Trivia Challenge, the Great JV Race, fireworks on the lake, messy games, and the Solid
Rock Café talent show.  Be sure to take a look at all of the great pictures!  We greatly appreciate
our friends at the Forsyth Township volunteer fire department for supplying us with the water
for the giant mud pit!

This week we have two new speakers and a new worship team.  In the mornings, Dan
Dominguez is speaking on the “I AM” statements of Jesus from the book of John.  Dan is the
Family Pastor at River City Church in Batavia, Illinois.  In the evenings, Aaron Paul is speaking out
of the book of 2 Timothy.  Aaron and his family live outside of Dallas, Texas.  For both morning
and evening chapel, Joshua Haynes, Jason Liguori, and Megan McHugh are leading worship. 
Joshua is the Pastor of Student Ministries at Lake Pointe Bible Church in Plymouth, Michigan. Jason and Megan are serving as counselors this week.

Later this morning, campers will continue their Team Challenge activities.  I would like to tell a
little bit more about two of these challenges.  First, each team is able to use the Zip Line.  Located on the back 40 acres of UPBC property, the Zip Line challenges campers to take steps of faith as they climb up to the platform and step off for an amazing flight through the forest.  Following the activity, the Zip Line staff lead campers in a discussion about how taking steps of faith on the Zip Line is similar to taking steps of faith in our daily lives.  Another team challenge is to rehearse for skits.  At the end of each week, 5 teams will perform a skit where they have to present a humorous performance that ends with a specific scene.  For example, teams were given specific skit endings include “flying a plane,” “getting locked in a bathroom,” “working as a pest exterminator,” or “living on Noah’s Ark.”  Judges will evaluate teams on their creativity, humor, and overall participation.  Skits always make for a great night!

JV 2015

JV Saturday Update - Happy 4th of July!!

Saturday July 4, 2015

We hope you are enjoying a relaxing and safe 4th of July!  We’re having another picture-perfect day at UPBC!  Later tonight, UPBC’s neighbors will be launching a number of fireworks.  Campers are looking forward to having “front-row” seats on the lake for tonight’s show.

Last night, we played our night game.  At JV Camp, night games are played after evening chapel and evening devotions.  Yesterday’s game featured a competition between the boys and the girls.  To begin, the girls had 10 minutes to hide somewhere on the campgrounds.  After those 10 minutes, the boys had 15 minutes to find the girls.  In the second round, the boys had 10 minutes to hide and the girls had 15 minutes to find the boys.  The goal is to find as many members of the opposite gender as possible. The boys found 3 girls and the girls found 3 boys.  Since the boys found one of the girls sooner than the girls found one of the boys, the boys won the game.

Later today we’re looking forward to the Bible Trivia Challenge (modeled after the American Bible
Challenge on Game Show Network) and the Great JV Race.  Both of these are team events that count
toward the overall team standings.  Be on the lookout for great pictures from these events!

Yesterday was the last day for our week 1 speakers and worship team.  Dean Johnson, Zach Mundy, and the Spring Arbor worship team have done an incredible job helping the campers move further along their spiritual journey.  Next week we’re looking forward to having Dan Dominguez and Aaron Paul teach and having Joshua Haynes, Jason Liguori, and Megan McHugh lead worship.  It will be another great week of camp!

JV 2015

JV Thursday, July 2 UPDATE!

Thursday July 2, 2015

It’s hard to believe that it’s already Thursday!  The old saying, “time flies when you’re having fun” is
really true around UPBC.

Yesterday was an exciting day here at JV Camp.  The campers went on their first of two off-camp trips. This trip featured a hike to scenic Sugarloaf Mountain and to the sandy beach of Wetmore Landing.  Campers enjoyed the view and had a relaxing afternoon playing volleyball, corn hole (also known as bean bag toss), spike ball, can jam, bocce ball, and other activities at the beach.  We returned to UPBC for dinner, free time, and evening chapel.

Today was a picture-perfect day at camp.  The morning was cool, but temperatures rose throughout the day and many campers got in the lake during free time.  During the evenings, many campers choose to participate in optional tournaments.  Earlier this week we held a 4-on-4 Gaga Ball tournament.  This evening we started the 4-on-4 Ultimate Frisbee tournament.  Tournament teams that finish in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd earn points for their team challenge teams. 

As you may know, the theme for JV 2015 is “Magnify.”  During chapels and devotions, campers are being challenged to investigate who Christ is (think magnifying glass) and are being challenged to magnify Him with their lives.  It’s our hope and prayer that these two weeks will make lasting impact on each camper’s spiritual journey and walk with God.

- JV 2015

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

JV Tuesday Update :)

Tuesday June 30, 2015

It was a cold day in the Upper Peninsula.  The high temperature reached the upper 40s, but with
the wind, most of the day it felt like the low 40s.  Despite the cold weather, there was no rain
and we were able to proceed with all of the activities as normal.  Some adventurous campers
even went tubing or sailing on the lake (they reported that the water felt much warmer than the

Earlier today, we asked several campers about their favorite moments of camp.  I’ve listed a
number of their responses below:

I’ve never been to camp before and the food here is amazing!  I never want to leave (14 year old
I love spending time with my family and friends that I only see once or twice a year! (15 year old
The team challenges are so much fun!  I think our team will win the championship! (14 year old
I’ve met so many new friends.  The people here are so great! (14 year old boy).
Worship during chapel has been amazing! (13 year old girl)
I love that I can go fishing during free time! (13 year old boy)
My counselor is such a good guy.  He knows where we’re at and really listens to us. (15 year old

On Wednesday campers will be going on an off-camp trip to the shores of Lake Superior.  Check
back in the next day or so to hear more about the trip!

- JV 2015

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

JV 2015 Monday Update!

Monday June 29, 2015

It was a great Monday at UPBC!  The weather was warm in the morning, but afternoon storms prompted several changes in our schedule.  By dinner, the rain had passed and we were back outside enjoying the evening. Similar to past years, we are blessed to have a fantastic group of campers. Everyone has been kind, inclusive, respectful, and has listened well when directions are given.

While it is still early on in JV camp, campers and counselors are both saying that God has been moving in their conversations and their hearts.  Many counselors report that campers have been very open during morning and evening cabin devotions and have talked about deep spiritual topics.

One of today’s highlights was the GaGa Ball Tournament (a low-impact version of Dodge Ball that’s played in a octagonal pit).  Over 60 campers joined 4-person teams and played in the competition!

On Tuesday, campers will have another more typical (but awesome) JV Camp day.  Highlights include morning and evening chapel, team challenge, skills, and evening tournaments.  On Wednesday, campers will spend the afternoon away from camp hiking and visiting a beach on Lake Superior.

The campers have loved getting your emails and letters.  Please continue to encourage them to grow in their faith, step out of their comfort zones, develop new friendships, try new things, and have fun!

- JV 2015

Monday, June 29, 2015

JV 2015 Sunday Update

Sunday June 28, 2015

It’s the second day of JV Camp and exciting things are happening at UPBC.  As soon as campers arrived on Saturday, they met their counselors, completed check-in, settled in to their cabins, and completed the swim test.  The weather was sunny with a high temperature in the mid 80s and it made for a perfect first day.  After dinner, campers met their teams (co-ed groups of 11 campers of all ages) and competed in a variety of team building activities.  The teams picked their team names, played Minute to Win It Games, played Human Battleship (like the board game but on a volleyball court), and JohnBall (a combination of dodge ball, baseball, field hockey, and other sports).  After a great evening of team building activities, campers attended their first JV chapel session.  Campers gathered around a campfire to more formally meet all the counselors, counselors-in-training, speakers, and support staff.  Campers were challenged to grow in their faith, step outside of their comfort zones, and to embrace the opportunity to make new friendships and strengthen existing friendships.  Campers were also encouraged to complete a Bible reading challenge.  To complete the challenge, campers need to read their Bible for at least 5 minutes each day.  Feel free to write your camper with encouragement to complete all of those challenges.

Today (Sunday) began as a pleasant Upper Peninsula morning.  After a nice breakfast, campers cleaned their cabins and helped pick up the rest of the camp grounds after yesterday evening’s activities.  Campers then headed to their first morning chapel where Zach Mundy shared his first message and were led in worship by a worship team from Spring Arbor University.  Zach is a youth pastor at Grace Community Church in Commerce, Michigan and he is teaching out of the book of Romans.

After morning devotions and discussion, campers competed in their first formal team challenge.  This week campers are playing ultimate Frisbee, kickball, and soccer, as well as experiencing the Zip Line, and preparing for skits and the Bible Trivia Challenge to be held this weekend.  Participating in each challenge earns points for the teams and winning teams receive more points.  The team with the most points at the end of the 2 weeks earns an ice cream party and their picture on the JV Wall of Fame in the Dining Hall.

After a famous UPBC Sunday Dinner, campers completed their 2 elective skill activities for the first week.  This week campers are water skiing and wake boarding, mountain biking, practicing at the rifle and archery range, on the high ropes course and climbing tower, making extreme art crafts, canoeing, kayaking, paddle boarding and playing group initiatives and games.  After the evening meal, campers had some free time and enjoyed ice cream from the trading post before going to evening chapel.  In the evenings, Dean Johnson, the senior pastor of Lake Pointe Bible Church in Plymouth, Michigan will be speaking.  This week Dean is speaking on the topic of how to live the Christian life each day of the week.

It’s been a great start to camp!

- JV 2015